Trustee Services
As part of our ongoing commitment to support Elmwood’s residents, Elmwood offers trustee services to those individuals requiring assistance in managing their finances.
As trustee, Elmwood is obligated to manage each client’s money in a responsible manner and in the best interests of the resident.
Trusteeship includes receiving the client’s income from government programs, pensions, work or training programs and paying the client’s bills, providing discretionary spending money, and budgeting for future expenses.
A monthly statement is issued to each individual or a designated family member
accounting for the resident’s income and expenses and providing the month end account balance.
Individuals who are recipients of the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) program will often transfer trusteeship of the resident’s benefits to Elmwood upon admission to ensure that they have sufficient money for their daily comforts and needs. Individuals who have personal and property guardians may still have an account with Elmwood’s Trust Office so that money is available for the residents personal spending.
To learn more, contact Joylin Patras at