The Story of Elmwood

In 1969, Elmwood was founded by Al Anderson and Howard Stensrud to provide a home for individuals experiencing intellectual disabilities in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. They were supported in this effort by the contributions of many including Rnold Smith, George Porteous, John Dolan and many other dedicated supporters.

Our founders of Elmwood dedicated their lives to creating community-based residential supports for individuals experiencing intellectual disabilities. They came together to fulfill their dreams and aspirations of a more human approach to disability services and fearlessly pursued quality of live for their loved ones.

Because of their dedication, and the dedication and support of many others, our agency, province and nation are committed to providing supportive and inclusive services for individuals experiencing intellectual disabilities.

They made their dream our reality.

Elmwood History

Four New Community Homes Open as Part of the Manor Transition Initiative

As of October 2024, Elmwood has opened four new Community Homes in partnership with the Ministry of Social Services – Community Living Services Delivery (CLSD) and the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation (SHC), as part of the Manor Transition Initiative. 

Launch of Official Day Program

Elmwood’s Community Inclusion Program was launched which expands current Recreation Supports offered by Elmwood. This program is intended to meet a gap in services between traditional Day Programming and those who would like to explore more untraditional programming options to better suit their needs and wishes for programming. This program focuses on supporting Community Inclusion through a Resident First Approach.

Manor Transition Announced

An evolution of services was announced that will see the closing of Kinsmen Manor as a residential setting, and the opening of new community homes.

Development of Enhanced SILP Program

This unique program is designed to meet a gap in service offerings between traditional SILP services and community home services.  ESILP provides enhanced staff support and an environment for those wanting to foster skill development that one would require to live in total independence.

50th Anniversary Celebrations

In 2019 Elmwood celebrated 50 years in business with a family and friends BBQ in the spring and the first annual Fall Feast which raised over $40,000 to help in the purchase of a new wheelchair accessible vehicle. Check out our Facebook page for pictures!

Replacement Community Home

Elmwood celebrated the Grand Opening of Replacement Community Home for four residents.  

Fitness Centre Addition

In 2013, McNeil Fitness Centre was added to support the recreational needs of residents. The Maunders McNeil Foundation provided funding to make this dream a reality.

SILP Suite Development

Between the years 2006 and 2009, several suites were added to the basements of Elmwood’s Community Homes to support individuals in our Supportive Independent Living Program (SILP).

Major Renovations to Support Individual Well-Being

Major renovations occurred at both Kinsmen Manor and in Community Homes to support individual well-being. The Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon provided major funding contributions to make these dreams a reality.

Twelve Community Homes Established

By 2003, Elmwood had developed and launched services in 12 community homes supporting 65 residents.

Major Addition at Kinsmen Manor

Twelve new suites were added to Kinsmen Manor.

Development of Respite Services

Respite services were launched in 1975 and continued until 2014.

Community Homes and SILP Program Developed

Grand Opening of first Community Homes and initiation of the delivery of Supportive Independent Living Program (SILP).  

Elmwood Residences Founded

Elmwood Residences opened in the fall of 1969 with 38 residents moving in that year.

About Elmwood

Since 1969, Elmwood has provided individuals experiencing  intellectual disabilities with residential supports and services.

2012 Arlington Ave, Saskatoon, SK S7J2H5

(306) 374-5151

Charitable Registration Number: 118898121RR0001


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