Our Priorities

We exist to support individuals to live fulfilled lives through
Resident First Approach by:


Providing Choice

We strive to provide choice and support in a manner that recognizes the capabilities and strengths of each individual.


Fostering Understanding and Respect

We treat all individuals receiving support with respect and dignity, recognizing their intrinsic value as human beings.


Supporting Inclusion and Belonging

We support and advocate for individuals to belong in their community.


Nurturing Continuous Growth

We recognize and honour the ability to support individuals to learn and grow.

Our Vision, Mission & Guiding Principles

Our Vision is for people living with intellectual disabilities to be empowered to lead full and meaningful lives.

Our Mission is to provide individualized care and support that nurtures growth, well-being and belonging for people living with intellectual disabilities.

Our Guiding Principles:

  • Resident First
  • Teamwork
  • Respect and Dignity
  • Relationships and Partnerships
  • Community Inclusion
  • Continuous Reflection and Growth
  • Communication and Openness
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Integrity and Accountability
  • Advocacy

What We Do

Our supports and services consist of Community Homes, Supportive Independent Living, Community Inclusion and Recreational Programming and Trustee Services.

Community Homes

For individuals needing full-time, residential support in community.

Supportive Independent Living

For individuals needing support to live independently.

Six women sitting in a train cart.

Recreation Supports

Making the dreams of our residents a reality!

A woman holding a piece of art.

Trustee Services

For individuals needing support with their finances.

Our Community Partners

Government of Saskatchewan
Cosmopolitan Industries
Inclusion Saskatchewan
Kinsmen Club of Saskatoon
SARC - expanding potential
Saskatchewan Health Authority
Riverside Vipond Golf Classic
Special Olympics
City of Saskatoon

About Elmwood

Since 1969, Elmwood has provided individuals experiencing  intellectual disabilities with residential supports and services.

2012 Arlington Ave, Saskatoon, SK S7J2H5


(306) 374-5151

Charitable Registration Number: 118898121RR0001


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